How do you know what university is a 'GOOD FIT' for you?

Explore 'FIT'
Unsurprisingly, most students want to go to a "Good University"....but what does that actually mean? How do you measure or find out if somewhere is 'good'?
There a lot of different factors you could look at ...but they won't tell you if the university would be "Good for YOU" unless you have thought about what will positively contribute to you being happy and successful as an undergraduate student.
That is why finding a "Good FIT for YOU" is so important.
Some factors might really matter to you, things that will really impact how good your experience is. Others, won't make any difference to you at all. You are unique. The key is understanding which ones matter to you and including those aspects in your research and decision-making so that the universities you apply to are really GOOD FOR YOU.
You can use the icons below to navigate through the different factors you would like to read more about.
As you read these make a mental (or actual) note of the aspects you have a preference for. When you use our University Search, you have information about almost all of them on the University Profile pages and filters for a lot of them on the Search Page.
Institution Size

Small Institutions
Less than 5,000 students
These might suit you if you:
Like being part of a close-knit community where your professors know you
Would like to know, or at least recognise almost everyone you see on campus
Like there being just a few central places that students hang out in to grab a coffee, eat or chat.
Find lots of choice overwhelming be that for academics or extra-curriculars
Find it reassuring to know your way around the whole campus and have been in most of the buildings.

Medium Institutions
5,000 - 15,000 students
These might suit you if you
Are quite happy not to know everyone in your classes, especially in 1st year, but would like to recognise some familiar faces whenever you are walking around campus
Like there being a decent amount of variety on campus or nearby for places to hang out
Like having a bit of variety, but not so much that I can't get my head around all the options.
Want to feel comfortable knowing your way around campus but don't need to know every building in detail
Large Institutions
15,000 - 30,000 students
These might suit you if you
Prefer to meet new people in every class and are comfortable being mostly anonymous walking around campus
Want a lot of variety in places to eat and hang out
Find it easy to make friends and build social groups when you aren't seeing the same people every day.
Want to have lots of options for activities and in the classes you can take
Are happy knowing the buildings you use on campus without needing to feel like you know your way around the whole place.

Very Large Institutions
More than 30,000 students
These might suit you if you
Love the anonymity of walking around a city where a very low proportion of people will recognise you and you only know a small proportion of the buildings
Love variety and are excited by trying out a new place to go every week and navigating to new places even once you've been on campus for a year or more
Love being involved in lots of different activities and are happy creating your own communities
Are happy to get lost in the crowd, or confident enough to be able to fit in and make friends in a big place.

Class Size
Class size is another important factor to consider when deciding which university is the right fit for you. Small and large class sizes both have their pros and cons.

Small Class Size
A small class size might suit you if you:
Prefer more personalised interactions with teachers, academics and professors.

Large Class Size
A large class size might suit you if you:
Prefer less interaction with teachers, academics and professors.
Want to be a part of a bigger, diverse community.
Student to Faculty Ratio
The student to faculty ratio is the number of students there are in relation to academic staff. It is typically calculated by dividing the number of students within a faculty by the number of academic staff. Therefore this ratio will differ from one institution to another. Institutions will usually display this information on their websites. A lower student to faculty ratio gives a good indication of more personalised academic support due to staff overseeing a smaller number of students.
Campus Style

City University
A university whose buildings are in the city without a defined university only campus area.
This might suit you if
You find the bustle of a city energising rather than exhausting
You enjoy anonymity and would like commuting to class alongside people from all walks of life
Are happy to live a distance from your classes and need to include travel time in your daily routine
Love to be able to check out new restaurants, see professional plays and live comedy
Want to be involved in your local neighbourhood community rather than wanting a community within your university
Island Campus
A university that has a clearly defined campus that is situated within a city.
This might suit you if
You like the amenities of a city like restaurants and shopping
But, want that feeling of being 'on campus', in your university community
Enjoy having open spaces that are just for students and faculty to chill out in, or for activities to happen in
Are happy to have a commute to campus, especially after 1st year.

Suburban Campus
A university with one or more defined campus areas that are in urbanised areas but outside of the City Centre.
This might suit you if
Rural Campus
A university that is situated in a rural area without connection to a town or city.
This might suit you if

Education Model

Single Honours
The study of one area such as Economics, where all, or almost all classes are taken within the same department.

Joint Honours
The study of two academic areas in equal proportions.
Major / Minor Model
The study of two or more academic areas where there is a greater concentration of classes in one area (major) and a smaller concentration in another area (minor). The minor is normally in a different academic discipline to the major.

Faculty / Department Focused
The study of multiple academic disciplines from within the same department or faculty, e.g. Natural Sciences, or Faculty Arts. It is common for degrees within this initial model to then become major/minor or single or joint honours by the end of the degree.

Liberal Arts & Science
The study of multiple academic disciplines normally encompassing both the arts and sciences. These degrees have some element of Core or General Education requirements that need to be completed by all students. Within arts and sciences degrees, you study one or more majors, one or more minors and electives alongside the 'core' curriculum.

Interdisciplinary / Thematic
Degrees that do not sit within one traditional academic department or subject. They study concepts that are wider than one subject like 'Big Questions' or 'Global Challenges', through the lenses of a variety of different subjects.
Double Degrees
The study of two different bachelors degrees simultaneously. This could be in one institution, or you could earn a degree from two different institutions through spending time in both. These degrees are typically 4 or 5 years long.

Study Abroad
Studying abroad during university offers you the opportunity to immerse yourself into the world, experience a new cultural experience and a different way of learning. There are some great academic and personal benefits of studying abroad.

It can be cheaper
The costs associated with studying at university can vary from country and institution, which is why some choose to study away from their home country.

Experience a new culture
Studying abroad gives you the opportunity to immerse yourself in a new life experience, different cultural perspective, and can even give you a new life perspective.
Make new friends
Studying abroad opens you up to a large community of students from all over the country which can develop your cultural awareness and provide you with a diverse learning environment.

Become independent
Moving to university is a big step towards gaining independence, however moving to university aboard takes this even further.

Develop your language skills
You may have the opportunity to learn a whole new language as part of your study abroad experience. This can be challenging to learn the local language, however it is a great way to fully immerse yourself in the experience and will look great on your CV in the future!

Develop an international network
You will meet people who you wouldn't have necessarily met if you studied in your home country and can keep these connections for life.
Good career opportunities
When you return home after your studies, you will have a new cultural experience, new language acquisition, and a new educational experience, all of which is very attractive to future employers.

Travel opportunities
Studying abroad means you have easier access to other neighbouring countries which you may not of had the opportunity to visit from your home country.

Internships give you the opportunity to trial a career or job which interests you before committing to a similar role after completion of university. Internships provide you will transferrable skills, lifelong networks, and insights into the industry. Internships can vary in length, lasting between a week up to 12 months.
Fees and Finance
There are different costs associated with studying at university, including tuition fees and living costs. However, depending on the country and university you choose, there are options available to support you with these costs. You can use the country guides and the university profiles on St Clare's Careers Explore to find out more about what support you may be eligible for.

Tuition Fees
Most universities around the world will require you to pay tuition fees.
These fees will typically cover:
Lectures, Seminars, Tutorials & Workshops
Learning Materials & Resources
Staff Contact
University Facilities
Course Admin Fees
Compulsorily Field Trips
Graduation Ceremony
Living Costs
You will also need to factor in living costs when planning your finances for university.
These costs can include:
Utility Bills
Books and University Equipment
Social Activities