Our Hybrid Open Days will be taking place on Thursday, 7 July and Friday, 8 July 2022. We will also be offering smaller Open Days on 15 and 16 September 2022. More details will be available nearer the time.
The University of Cambridge’s Open Days are aimed at prospective applicants from Year 12 (or equivalent) and mature applicants (aged 21 or over), together with their parents or supporters, to help them learn more about the University.
You will need to register in advance to attend our Hybrid Open Days, whether you wish to attend in person or virtually.
What to expect
View the Hybrid Open Days Programme for full details of what's on. We’ve also compiled some tips and advice to help you get the most from our Open Days.
We are planning a hybrid approach to our July Open Days, offering prospective applicants and their supporters the chance to visit the University of Cambridge in person if they wish to, alongside offering webinars, events and videos for students to learn more about studying here virtually, too.
Warm-up Webinars (27 June – 5 July) We will be hosting a series of Warm-up Webinars, which will cover key topics, such as Student Life and Applying to Cambridge. Most of these webinars will consist of a presentation followed by time for questions at the end. All sessions will be recorded and made available to view on both our website and in our Virtual Tour afterwards. The timetable for the Warm-up Webinars can be found in our programme.
Virtual (4 July – 17 July) Virtual Open Day content will go live on our Virtual Tour from Monday, 4 July. Here, you will be able to find out more about the University by viewing presentations about our courses, watching sample lectures, and you can virtually visit our Colleges and University facilities using our 360 platform. This content will remain live until Sunday, 17 July.
‘Live’ days (7 July - 8 July) We will be welcoming students and their supporters to explore Cambridge in person on either Thursday, 7 or Friday, 8 July. If you choose to visit Cambridge and attend the in-person elements of our Open Days, you will be able to visit many Departments and all Colleges, and find out more about what studying at Cambridge would be like. Most events will be in-person on these two days, however we will be running a few ‘live’ virtual events on these days, so you can find out more and ask questions. Further details of these will be announced once the programme is released in June.
Follow-up Virtual Events (11 July – 15 July) In the week following our Open Days, we will be offering a range of virtual events in the evenings for you to interact virtually with our Colleges, course representatives and students. These events are an opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have about studying at Cambridge.