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Election Year 2024: Is Democracy in Crisis?

Monday 24th June 2024

12:45-13:30 (UK time)


About The Session

Join Dr Martin Scott & Dr Ulrike Theuerkauf from the University of East Anglia for an interactive session discussing whether democracy is in crisis. You will specifically focus on the different types of democracy, signs of a global democratic recession since 2006, the rise of far-right populism, the role of media in safeguarding or weakening democracy, and why some social scientists are worried about the state of the democracy in the UK.

Who is this session suitable for?

Any students who are interested in studying Politics, Geography, Sociology or related subjects at university. If you would like to attend, please request absence from Emily in the careers office, no later than 3 days prior to the activity taking place.

Please do not register to attend if you have any lessons or other pre-planned activities which may overlap with this session, unless you have received authorised permission to do so.

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