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International Women's Day Talk

Emily Spriggs


Date: Wednesday 8th March 2023 Time: 17:45-18:30 GMT Location: Online


About the Lecture

Lecturer from the University of East Anglia, Dr Noelia Dominguez, is hosting a talk to celebrate International Women's Day titled 'I Belong Here - Taking Your Place as a Female in the World of the Sciences'. Noelia will share with you the initiative she started in 2020 to promote scientific education, gender inclusivity, and visualisation of females in STEMM careers. She will also present you with case studies of real life people who faced challenges throughout their career. This talk is aimed to inspire the younger generation of future scientists in a underrepresented field.

Who is this lecture for?

Any student with an interest in studying or pursuing a career in the field of science.

Please do not register to attend is you have any lessons or other pre-planned activities that may overlap with this talk.


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