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Thinking about taking a Gap Year?

"Worth the Wait?" Is Taking a Gap Year Right for you by Micaela Beigel

Advising students about whether a gap year is right for them is something we often do this time of year in Admissions.

To help students make this decision Counselor Micaela Beigel reflects on her experience taking a gap year before starting college. To read more, click the link below for The Mawr You Know.

"While some people take gap years for professional development or economic necessity, my gap year reflected a personal desire to grow internally. I used this time to learn about myself, what I wanted, and the type of global citizen I hoped to become. I grew immeasurably during my time off from school, and in the years since I have become an ardent supporter of gap years, first as an older peer to friends and now as a college admissions counselor. If you are considering taking a gap year here are a few thoughts to guide you as you make this decision."

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